Other Ethiopian Community Association

Ethiopian Community Association - Edmonton
የኢትዮጵያ ማህበረሰብ ማሕበር በኤድመንተን
Contact Information:
10585 115 St. NW, Edmonton, AB T5H 3K4
Phone number: 1 (780) 421-1615
Visit www.ethiocanadians.org to learn more

Ethiopian Community of British Columbia
የኢትዮጵያ ማሕበረሰብ ማህበር በብርቲሽ ኮሎምቢያ
Contact Information:
174 – 2242 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC, V5N 5X6
4460 Beresford St. Burnaby, BC in front of the Metro town SkyTrain station.
Visit www.vancouverethiopia.com to learn more

Ethiopian Society of Winnipeg
የኢትዮጵያ ማሕበር በዊኒፔግ
Contact Information:
215 Selkirk Ave Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 2L5
Email: info@ethiowpg.org
Tel.: +1 (204) 415-4277

በቶሮንቶ አካባቢ የኢትዮጵያ ማህበረሰብ ማህበር
Contact Information:
Address: 1950 Danforth Ave,
Toronto, ON M4C 1J4
Phone Number: (416) 694-1522
Visit ethioassociation.org to learn more